Friday, October 2nd, 1925
Activated SP Ferdie Schupp from the 60-day disabled list.
Activated CF Harry Brown from the disabled list.
Thursday, September 24th, 1925
Activated CF Bernie Neis from the disabled list.
Wednesday, September 16th, 1925
Activated 3B Andy High from the disabled list.
Wednesday, September 9th, 1925
Placed CF Harry Brown on the 15-day disabled list, retroactive to 09/07/1925.
Tuesday, September 8th, 1925
Activated SP Pat Martin from the disabled list.
Tuesday, August 25th, 1925
Placed SP Pat Martin on the 15-day disabled list, retroactive to 08/24/1925.
Wednesday, August 19th, 1925
Placed CF Bernie Neis on the 15-day disabled list, retroactive to 08/18/1925.
Saturday, August 8th, 1925
Placed 3B Andy High on the 15-day disabled list, retroactive to 08/07/1925.
Thursday, July 30th, 1925
Activated LF Zack Wheat from the disabled list.
Thursday, June 18th, 1925
Placed LF Zack Wheat on the 15-day disabled list, retroactive to 06/17/1925.
Friday, June 12th, 1925
Activated LF Zack Wheat from the disabled list.
Sunday, May 17th, 1925
Placed LF Zack Wheat on the 15-day disabled list, retroactive to 05/16/1925.
Sunday, May 3rd, 1925
Placed SP Ferdie Schupp on the 60-day disabled list.
Monday, April 27th, 1925
Activated 2B Frank O'Rourke from the disabled list.
Wednesday, March 18th, 1925
Placed 2B Frank O'Rourke on the 15-day disabled list, retroactive to 03/14/1925.