a - O. Hockett pinch hit for L. Warneke in the 5th
b - L. Merullo pinch hit for L. Appling in the 5th
c - R. Peters substituted for O. Hockett in the 5th
d - K. Richardson pinch hit for B. Herman in the 6th
e - B. Olsen pinch hit for P. Cavarretta in the 6th
f - F. Stinson pinch hit for A. Galan in the 6th
g - F. Bordagaray substituted for B. Olsen in the 6th
h - B. Jordan substituted for F. Stinson in the 6th
i - C. Triplett pinch hit for L. Finney in the 7th
j - J. Abreu pinch hit for J. Moore in the 7th
k - B. Repass pinch hit for E. Joost in the 7th
l - D. Cooke substituted for C. Triplett in the 7th
m - B. Scheffing pinch hit for C. McCullough in the 9th
n - P. Richards substituted for B. Scheffing in the 9th
L. Appling
(1, 4th Inning off E. Riddle, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
L. Finney
C. McCullough
B. Herman
L. Appling
J. Moore
2-out RBI:
J. Moore
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. McCullough
E. Joost
J. Moore
B. Repass
Sac Fly:
E. Joost
B. Herman
Team LOB:
E. Joost
A. Galan
a - R. Hemsley substituted for E. Riddle in the 4th
b - D. Escobar pinch hit for J. Wilson in the 6th
c - B. Zientara pinch hit for B. Myer in the 6th
d - L. Kintana pinch hit for F. Crosetti in the 6th
e - M. McCormick pinch hit for H. Craft in the 6th
f - E. Lukon pinch hit for E. Koy in the 7th
g - B. Boyle pinch hit for R. Gumpert in the 7th
h - O. Grimes pinch hit for J. Wasdell in the 7th
i - A. Glossop pinch hit for B. Myers in the 7th
j - L. Handley pinch hit for E. Lukon in the 9th
k - A. Lopez pinch hit for J. Hutchings in the 9th
l - W. Hershberger pinch hit for R. Hemsley in the 9th
F. Crosetti
(1, 1st Inning off L. Warneke, 1 on, 1 out)
J. Wasdell
(1, 4th Inning off L. Warneke, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
J. Wilson
(1, 4th Inning off L. Warneke, 0 on, 2 outs)
A. Lopez
(1, 9th Inning off T. Earley, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
R. Gumpert
J. Early
E. Koy
J. Wasdell
F. Crosetti
B. Myer
J. Wilson
R. Hemsley
O. Grimes
A. Glossop
A. Lopez
2-out RBI:
J. Wilson
D. Escobar
A. Lopez
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Early
E. Koy
B. Myers
R. Hemsley
M. McCormick
Sac Bunt:
E. Riddle
D. Escobar
Sac Fly:
R. Hemsley
Hit by Pitch:
W. Hershberger
Team LOB:
B. Myer
J. Wilson
Double Plays:
1 (Myers-Zientara-Wasdell)